List of expert translators for 2025 according to the official data of the Ministry of Justice

Directory of Sworn Translators of France

Details file of ALBERT Sugumar.

Salutation Last name First name
ALBERT Sugumar
Telephone Mobile phone Telefax
Address Town Postal code
57 RUE louis Blanc PARIS 10 75010
Translator Interpreter With the
No Yes Cour d'Appel de Versailles
Language(s) of expertise Language combinations Siret registration number
- Tamil
Master Européen de Business etStratégie d'Entreprise - 2007/2009,
Certificat de présence à laSorbonne pour les cours pratiques de langue française (2005),
Certificat d'enregistrement comme avocat (en Inde - 1999),
Certificat de langue française de laSorbonne niveau intermédiaire (2005
Certificatd'assiduité au CELCP pour des cours de français langue étrangère (2006),
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Reply in under 60 mins.
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What is the sum of 12 + 33

Express file submission

To have your file allocated immediately by the Directory of Sworn Translators of France team, please fill in the form below
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Directory of Sworn Translators of France
* For all information about the legal framework of the swearing-in process our offices are open from 9h to 18h from Monday to Friday -- Tel: 0970446345
TTI FRANCE 128 rue de la boétie - 75008 Paris - FRANCE
Data property Ministry of Justice - place Vendôme Paris
In accordance with the Act of January 6th 1978 on information technology, files and liberties, this site has been declared to the CNIL (N°1288287).

NB : TTI France and the Directory of Sworn Translators of France decline all responsibility regarding the choice of translators and the quality of the services they provide. We only process complaints about the turnkey projects that we deliver. For all information or quotes please e-mail : or telephone : 0970446345

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